
Topic 3—Computing system fundamentals

This topic covers computer systems (their hardware and software) and how they interact.

3.1—Language Translators

3.1.1 Define syntax and semantics.

3.1.2 Describe the function of high-level language translators. The translators should be
limited to interpreters and compilers.

3.1.3 Outline the use of software development tools.

3.2—Computer Architecture

***First Of All, A link to the "How Computers Work & What Makes Them Faster" pages, to use in addition to this and the textbook.***
How Computers Work & What Makes Them Faster
Day 1 - Data & Code Sets
Day 2 - Bits/Bytes & Memory/Storage
Day 3 - Reading & Writing Data to Devices
Day 4 - CPU & Cache
Day 5 - More on Computer Speed & Networks
Accompanying Images

3.2.1 Outline the structure of the central processing unit (CPU) including
the functions of the control unit (CU), the arithmetic and logic unit
(ALU), primary memory and address buses.

3.2.2 Outline the meaning of the terms bit (b) and byte (B) and their

3.2.3 Outline the meaning of the terms word, register and address and their
use in the storage of data and instructions.

3.2.4 Outline the steps in the machine instruction cycle: fetch, decode,
execute and store.

3.2.5 Outline the characteristics of primary memory and the difference
between volatile and non-volatile memory.

3.2.6 Outline the characteristics of secondary memory and define
sequential and direct access.

3.2.7 Outline the function of a microprocessor designed to perform one or
a limited number of functions (within a car, washing machine and so

3.2.8 Discuss the features, advantages, disadvantages and applications of
specific input and output devices and the media used by each.

3.2.9 Outline recent developments in computer system architecture
including processor architecture, primary memory technologies and
secondary memory devices.


3.3—Computer Systems

User ISP and PowerSchool as one of the main examples throughout this.

3.3.1 Define the term “operating system”.

3.3.2 Outline the functions of operating systems.

3.3.3 Discuss the characteristics of various computer systems including
single users and multi-users, in both single-tasking and multi-tasking

3.3.4 Compare the characteristics and applications of different kinds of

3.3.5 Outline the principal characteristics of batch processing, online
(interactive) processing and real-time processing.

3.3.6 Outline applications that use each of the processing methods in 3.3.5:
batch processing (payroll and bank cheque processing); interactive
(online) processing; word processing; computer Games; real-time
processing (air traffic control and monitoring of patients in hospital
intensive care).

3.3.7 Explain the relationship between master and transaction files.

3.3.8 Discuss the reliability of the system including the implications of
failure. ---------- repeat this with 3.6 Errors ------------

3.4—Networked Computer Systems

3.4.1 Define local area network (LAN), wide area network (WAN), server
and client.

3.4.2 Explain basic network topologies.

Explain the hardware required in networking.

3.4.4 Define the terms “standard protocol”, “data integrity” and “data
security” in the context of data transmission across a network.

3.4.5 Explain the software involved in networking.

3.4.6 Describe suitable methods to ensure data integrity in the transmission
of data.

3.4.7 Describe suitable methods to ensure data security.

3.4.8 Discuss the need for speed in data transmission, and how speed can
be enhanced.

Discuss networking applications and the implications of networking
for organizations, including internal communications, electronic
mail, e-commerce, conferencing and distributed processing.

3.4.10 Outline the functions of a web browser and search engine including
displaying an HTML page, following hyperlinks and searching on
key words.

3.5—Data Representation

3.5.1 Outline the use of binary to represent data.

3.5.2 Outline the need for standard formats for storing documents and

3.5.3 Express numbers in the bases: decimal, binary and hexadecimal.

3.5.4 Convert integers between the bases specified in 3.5.3 (maximum 8

3.5.5 Apply binary notation to represent integers, both positive and
negative, using the method-of-two’s complement.

3.5.6 Define analogue data and digital data.

3.5.7 Outline the need for the interconversion of data between analogue
and digital formats for computer processing.

3.5.8 Discuss two applications that require conversion of data between
analogue and digital formats including temperature sensing.


Look back at 3.3.8 Reliability of Systems first.

3.6.1 Describe the following causes of errors with reference to an
application in each case: data entry, accidental, deliberate, software
and hardware.

3.6.2 Outline methods of detection and prevention for each of the errors in 3.6.1.

3.6.3 Describe methods of recovery from an error.

3.7—Utility Software

3.7.1 Outline the main function(s) of the following software utilities: data
compressors, virus software, file managers, defragmentation

3.7.2 Discuss the need for each of the utilities in 3.7.1.