
3.3.6 Outline applications that use each of the processing methods in 3.3.5:
batch processing (payroll and bank cheque processing); interactive
(online) processing; word processing; computer Games; real-time
processing (air traffic control and monitoring of patients in hospital
intensive care).

(No teaching note for this one.)

JSR Notes:

It would be nice if you had an example different from the ones in the text, and assessment statement, but there's no need. The ones given will suffice.

The only thing maybe to mention is that batch processing used to be more prevalent, just because in the olden days you might not have access to the processing machine until your designated 2 hours on Saturday afternoon at the university mainframe, for example, so you had to store up your jobs and save them until such time as they could be processed. No need if you've got your own modern PC. But still, even today, there are some jobs that need not be processed immediately, and can be done more efficiently in a batch mode, particularly when you're talking about large organizations and systems, like the payroll and bank examples.