
3.5.7 Outline the need for the interconversion of data between analogue
and digital formats for computer processing.


Teaching Note:
Students need to understand the need for conversion between data
for processing, for example, sensors and modems.

JSR Notes:

This says "Outline the ***need***", not so much "how". And this does not say give an example - that's 3.5.8. So why do we need to be able to convert between analogue and digital data. I was quite impressed by almost all of your own original ways of putting it, so - as you should be doing anyway - take a look at your homework answers.

But if you need extra words or concepts, throw in the idea of infinite versus finite. Digital formats are by definition finite in their description of anything, in fact digital descriptions are definite - according to certain standards. Digital files represent real-world things in finite, definite terms because they are limited to certain number of 0s and 1s to do so. That "certain number" may be quite big, but it does not allow "continuous" changes to be infinitely represented. Real-world changes between different states are indeed infinite, regardless of to what fine detail we can capture and digitally record this change.

...Naw, stick to your own answers. This sort of stuff is hard to accurately phrase, but you did a very good job.