
3.3.1 Define the term “operating system”.


Teaching Note:
Knowledge of specific operating systems is not required.

JSR Notes:

The operating system we primarily use in the lab is the Mac OS X 10.5. Plus we also have Windows XP, and Windows Vista that we run virtually through the Mac OS. Though it's interesting to note that you can now run Windows operating systems "natively" on a Mac, now that they have an Intel processor. The software that allows this is called Boot Camp. It is not possible (yet) to run a Mac operating system on a Windows machine.

The text mentions "Network operating systems", but this is an antiquated term, since all modern operating systems support networking. It's simply interesting to note that there was a time, not so long ago, that an operating system did not necessarily include networking capabilities. So, in fact, it would be reasonable to add to the 3.3.2 functions of an operating system the ability to perform networking functions as well.