
3.3.5 Outline the principal characteristics of batch processing, online
(interactive) processing and real-time processing.

(No teaching note for this one.)

Sample Question 1:

Identify two reasons why the control system for a nuclear-power station would be
required to use real-time processing. [2 marks]

Sample Question 2:

A DVD recorder, which is controlled by a microprocessor, can be programmed to
record TV programs via a simple interface controlled by a handheld remote control.


(e) Identify the name of the type of processing performed by this component. [1 mark]

(f) Discuss the key characteristics of the type of processing identified in part (e). [1 mark]

JSR Notes:

If ever there was an assessment statement that lends itself to "canned" responses, this is one of them. Just be ready to "outline the principal characteristics of batch, on-line/interactive, and real-time processing". And, yes, do have an example ready to dole out as well - but don't forget that giving an example is not the same as "outlining". An example helps demonstrate any explanation, but in and of itself is not an explanation.

And do keep straight the difference between on-line/interactive and real-time. Real-time is done most often without human interaction, whereas the whole point of on-line/interactive is that it responds to user (i.e. human) input. And so all computer applications you work with on your laptop/desktop are of the on-line/interactive variety of computer system processing. (And don't be thrown off by the "on-line" term - it has not necessarily anything to do with the Internet - this term was around long before the Internet was.)