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Evaluate the use of a VPN.


Teaching Note:

S/E, AIM 9 The use of a VPN has led to changes in working patterns.


Sample Question:


JSR Notes:

JSR point: network pictures or videos reminder.

This assessment statement is for sure, at least about the implications of using a VPN, as seen by the Teaching Note, so:












Note that this assessment statement can actually be taken two ways. From the Teaching Note, it seems to be more geared toward a general assessment of the changes in work patterns. But from the assessment statement itself it could be interpreted as evaluating ***a particular*** VPN, such as:

For these comparisons, you could the following criteria:


Product X

For example

Product Y

For example

Security (Trusted vs. Secure) "Secure", not just "Trusted Only "trusted"
Price (and or cost/benefit) A little more expensive Cheaper
Ease of use Not quite as easy to use Easier to use
Speed of connection & data upload/download speeds same: good same: good

Compatibility with current systems/computers
(Mac/PC for example)

same: good compatibility same: good compatibility
(how easily can it be expanded or used to a greater extent?)
same: not scalable same: not scalable


Note that for your Mac computer, the Opera browser has some great privacy features, including a built-in VPN:

My own evaluation of using the Opera VPN would go something like this:


Why to use and how to choose a VPN



VPN Summary 

- VPNs secure your computer's Internet connection to guarantee that all of the data you're sending and receiving is encrypted and secured from prying eyes.

- And this allows secure remote work.