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--- Software deployment ---


Describe strategies for managing releases and updates.


Teaching Note:

Students should be aware of a variety of ways in which updates and patches are made available and deployed. This includes automatic updates received on a regular basis on-line.

S/E, INT Performance issues related to the inability to install updates may hinder end-users and reduce compatibility between systems in geographically diverse locations.


Sample Question:


JSR Notes:

Updates vs. Patches

An update is a newer version of a software application, which usually includes both new features and increased efficiency or performance in some way. Updates generally increment the version number of the software by a decimal digit or two, such as MyCoolGame 1.2 to MyCoolGame 1.3, with minor updates incrementing the second digit after the decimal, like MyCoolGame 1.3.1 to MyCoolGame 1.3.2. Though lately, certain software is updated almost continually, with "nightly builds" distributed every day.

A patch is a part of a software application that is released to be installed, or patched, onto a certain version of the software, which fixes specific glitches or problems. Just like you sew a patch onto your pants when there is a rip in them.


Ways to Deploy Software Releases and Updates


Box Distribution (vs. on-line distribution)

Advantages of Distributing in a Box (packaged CDs)

Disadvantages of Distributing in a Box (packaged CDs)


On-line Distribution (vs. boxed distribution)

Advantages of On-line Distribution

Disadvantages of On-line Distribution


Finally, there's the interesting Teaching Note:
"Performance issues related to the inability to install updates may hinder end-users and reduce compatibility between systems in geographically diverse locations."
The point here is that one way or the other, with software that interacts with each other around the globe, all instances of it need to be kept up-to-date so that they can properly interact with each other. If any one instance cannot be updated, that can cause those interactions to be problematic.





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Jaime: Version control and GIT hub etc.