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 70                     <!--<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br></br>Welcome to <b><i>I Remember When...</i></b> - an album of <b><i>Campbell family</i></b> stories and memories  that we dont want to lose.<br></br>The tool has been developed by Henri and Shon and will be shared only with the family members related to <b><i>Warren and Rae Campbell</i></b>.  Family members can register to use this tool and, once approved, can add, appreciate and enjoy the words and wisdom of loved ones who may or may not still be with us.<br></br>For any issues/queries, contact shon.campbell@gmail.com / henridepoerck@gmail.com.-->
 71                     <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br></br>Welcome to <b><i>I Remember When...</i></b> - an album of <b><i>FAKENAME</i></b> stories and memories that we dont want to lose.<br></br>The tool has been developed by FAKENAME and FAKENAME will be shared only with the family members related to <b><i>FAKENAME and FAKENAME</i></b>.  Family members can register to use this tool and, once approved, can add, appreciate and enjoy the words and wisdom of loved ones who may or may not still be with us.<br></br>For any issues/queries, contact FAKEEMAIL@gmail.com / FAKEEMAIL@gmail.com.
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101                     <br></br>Please be patient. Your memory may take up to 30 seconds to load.
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114                     Date: 00/00/2000<p></p>
115                     Date Published: 00/00/2000
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119                     Title
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122                     <br></br>Please be patient. Your memory may take up to 30 seconds to load.
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129                     -Name
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