
Criterion P - Programming

Student Responsibilities

Your programming will be assessed via the following list of "responsibilities", which you will have to live up to quite well, over the programming stage.

Grading: At the end of the programming stage, each of the 10 items in the rubric will be given a score out of 10 for a total of 100, which in turn will be converted to a 1 - 7 Achievement Level.



---> E-MAIL CODE BUDDY (Along with looking your Code Buddy in the eye at the beginning of the next.)

1. Work well in class, striking a good balance between occasional casual, relaxing chit-chat, and focused quiet work.

2. Work appropriately and well independently. You will work with others as well (see next point), and that is both fine and expected, but for a lot of the time it will be "headphones-on" independent, focused work and problem-solving.

3. To an appropriate degree, help others, and get help from others. Working with other people, and in teams, is absolutely essential with today's programming, and so it is a very important skill to develop.

4. Take breaks regularly and appropriately, both in class, and when working on your own at home.

5A. Between classes, work on average 45 minutes to 1 hour (of focused, non multi-tasking work). Upload the updated work (what is called the "Nightly Build") before the next class.

5B. There may be times where you are unable to work on Computer Science and submit a Nightly Build with changes. In such cases, try to make up that time before the following class. But still do the nightly build upload, clearly noting at the top of the code that this has changed little from last time.

6. Update your To Do list each work session - both class, and home - and your Record of Tasks when major programming stages are achieved. It's a good idea to divide up your To Do list between "Next", and "Long Term/Ideas".

7. At the end of each class, e-mail your code buddy your plans for working at home before the next class. Then at the beginning of the next class, look your code buddy in the eye and tell them how you progressed.

Be sure to Cc the teacher on these. And do make sure that you are using one continuous thread only for these code buddy e-mails.

8. When encountering a major problem, work at it for no less, but no more than about half an hour before seeking help from me, either (in class) by getting me to come over, or (at home) by e-mailing me. If after that half an hour, you are still stuck and either (in class) I'm busy, or (at home) you are waiting for my e-mail reply, move on to something you can do in the meantime.

9. Come in for extra help at time that I suggest you are falling behind - this could be at breaks or after school.

10. Keep your Record-of-Tasks up-to-date through the programming process.

I will get you to upload this to me every few sessions through the programming stage of the dossier.


Summary of End-of- Class Reminders:

1. Update your To Do list at the top of your GUI

2. E-mail your Code Buddy with your inter-class plans

3. Comment any new (semi-sophisticated) code

4. Update your Record of Tasks document



JSR Notes: From ISP: "Depending on the particular year, either your programming should be done by the summer, or the entire dossier should be done."...


JSR Note: Depending on the structure of the year, this can end up being an alternative final assessment.