/Users/johnr/Desktop/IA pdf Downloads/_New Projects Downloads May 7th/CS_IA_Mattew/hotelandgolfselection.html
  1 <?php
  2 spl_autoload_register(function ($class_name) { // https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.autoload.php
  3     include $class_name . '.class.php';
  4 });
  5 if(!apcu_fetch('destination') || !apcu_fetch('inquiry')){
  6     echo '<script>alert("An error occured, please try again.")</script>';
  7 ?><script>window.location.replace("http://localhost/golfasian")</script><?php 
  8 }
 10 $destination = apcu_fetch('destination');
 11 $inquiry = apcu_fetch('inquiry');
 12 $datas = new GetMySQLData();
 14 error_reporting(E_ALL);
 15 ini_set('display_errors', '1');
 17 ?>
 19 <!DOCTYPE html>
 20 <head>
 21     <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet">
 22 </head>
 23 <script type="text/javascript">
 24     //function in order to display the other options if the user inputs a golf course
 25     function setVisible(golfCourse, teeTime, teeTimeLabel, caddie, cart){
 26         var golfCourse = document.getElementById(golfCourse);
 27         var teeTime = document.getElementById(teeTime);
 28         var teeTimeLabel = document.getElementById(teeTimeLabel);
 29         var caddie = document.getElementById(caddie);
 30         var cart = document.getElementById(cart);
 31         if(golfCourse.value != "")
 32         {
 33             teeTimeLabel.style.display = '';
 34             teeTime.style.display = '';
 35             caddie.style.display = '';
 36             cart.style.display = '';
 37             teeTime.setAttribute('required', '');
 38         }else{
 39             teeTimeLabel.style.display = 'none';
 40             teeTime.style.display = 'none';
 41             caddie.style.display = 'none';
 42             cart.style.display = 'none';
 43             teeTime.removeAttribute('required');
 44         }
 45     }
 46 </script>
 47 <h1> Golf and Hotel Daily Planner </h1>
 48 <div class="container">    
 49     <form action="storeHotelAndGolfSelection.html" method="POST">
 50         <body>
 51         <table>
 52         <tr>
 53             <th>Destination(s)</th>
 54             <th>Arrival</th>
 55             <th>Departure</th>
 56             <th>Period</th>
 57             <th>Hotel Standard</th>
 58         </tr>
 59         <tr>
 60             <td> <?php echo $destination->getChosenDestination(); ?> </td>
 61             <td> <?php echo $inquiry->getArrivalDate(); ?> </td>
 62             <td> <?php echo $inquiry->getDepartureDate(); ?> </td>
 63             <td> <?php echo $inquiry->getNumberOfDays(); ?> days, <?php echo $inquiry->getNumberOfNights() ?> nights</td>
 64             <td> <?php echo $inquiry->getHotelRating()." stars"; ?> </td>
 65         </tr>
 66         </table>          
 67         <?php
 68         for($i = 0; $i < $inquiry->getNumberOfDays(); $i++){ ?>
 69             <p>
 70             <fieldset class="dailyplan">
 71                 <legend id="daynumber">Day <?php echo $i + 1; ?> </legend>
 72                 <?php 
 73                 if($i == 0){
 74                     echo "Note: Arrival Day <br><br>";
 75                 }elseif($i == $inquiry->getNumberOfDays() - 1){
 76                     echo "Note: Departure Day <br><br>";
 77                 } ?>
 78                 <label for="golfcourse">Golfcourse: </label>
 79                 <select id="<?php echo "golfcourse".($i+1); ?>" name="<?php echo "golfcourse".($i+1); ?>" onchange="setVisible(this.id,'<?php echo "teetime".($i+1); ?>', '<?php echo "labelforteetime".($i+1); ?>', '<?php echo "labelforcaddie".($i+1); ?>', '<?php echo "labelforcart".($i+1); ?>')">
 80                     <option value="">No golf day</option>
 81                     <?php foreach(explode(", ",$destination->getChosenDestination()) as $city){
 82                         $golfCourses = $datas->getGolfCourseData($city);
 83                         echo '<optgroup label="'.$city.'">';
 84                         foreach($golfCourses as $golfCourse){ ?>
 85                             <option value="<?php echo $golfCourse["GolfCourseName"]; ?>"> <?php echo $golfCourse["GolfCourseName"]; ?></option>
 86                         <?php
 87                         } ?> </optgroup>
 88                     <?php } ?>
 89                 </select><br>
 90                 <label class="checkbox-inline" for="<?php echo "caddie".($i+1); ?>" id="<?php echo "labelforcaddie".($i+1); ?>" style="display: none;">
 91                 <input type="checkbox" value="1" name="<?php echo "caddie".($i+1); ?>" id="<?php echo "caddie".($i+1); ?>">Caddie</label> 
 92                 <label class="checkbox-inline" for="<?php echo "cart".($i+1); ?>" id= "<?php echo "labelforcart".($i+1); ?>" style="display: none;">
 93                 <input type="checkbox" value="1" name="<?php echo "cart".($i+1); ?>" id="<?php echo "cart".($i+1); ?>">Cart</label>
 94                 <p>
 95                 <label id="<?php echo "labelforteetime".($i+1); ?>" for="<?php echo "teetime".($i+1); ?>" style="display: none;">Requested Tee Time:</label>
 96                 <input type="time" id="<?php echo "teetime".($i+1); ?>" name="<?php echo "teetime".($i+1); ?>" class="teetime" min="06:00" max="18:00" style="display: none;"> 
 97                 </p>
 99                 <?php if($i != $inquiry->getNumberOfDays() - 1){ ?>
100                     <p>
101                     <label for="hotel">Hotel: </label>
102                     <select id="hotel" name="<?php echo "hotel".($i+1); ?>" required>
103                         <option value="">Select hotel</option>
104                     <?php 
105                         foreach(explode(", ",$destination->getChosenDestination()) as $city){
106                             $hotels = $datas->getHotelData($city, $inquiry->getHotelRating());
107                             echo '<optgroup label="'.$city.'">'; 
108                             foreach($hotels as $hotel){ ?>
109                                 <option value="<?php echo $hotel["HotelName"]; ?>"> <?php echo $hotel["HotelName"]; ?></option>
110                         <?php }
111                         ?> </optgroup>
112                         <?php } ?>
113                     </select><br>
114                     <label class="checkbox-inline" for="<?php echo "hotelbreakfast".($i+1); ?>">
115                     <input type="checkbox" value="1" name="<?php echo "hotelbreakfast".($i+1); ?>" id="<?php echo "hotelbreakfast".($i+1); ?>">Hotel Breakfast</label>
116                     </p> 
117                 <?php } ?>
118                 <label class="checkbox-inline" for="<?php echo "transportation".($i+1); ?>">Transportation required
119                 <input type="checkbox" value="1" name="<?php echo "transportation".($i+1); ?>"" id="<?php echo "transportation".($i+1); ?>"></label>
120             </fieldset>
121             </p>
122             <?php } ?>
123         <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Next Page">
124         <input type="button" value="Back" onclick="history.back()">
125         </div>
126     </form>
127 </div>
128 </html>