/Users/johnr/Desktop/IA pdf Downloads/_New Projects Downloads May 7th/AustinsClosetMySQL_Emma/src/AustinsClosetMySQL/SearchCloset.java
 1 /*
 2  * Click nbfs://nbhost/SystemFileSystem/Templates/Licenses/license-default.txt to change this license
 3  * Click nbfs://nbhost/SystemFileSystem/Templates/Classes/Class.java to edit this template
 4  */
 5 package AustinsClosetMySQL;
 7 /**
 8  *
 9  * @author 21156
10  */
12 public class SearchCloset {
13     //this is the search closet class that goes into the ArrayList in the main class, to obtain 
14     //all the user input and put it inside a list which then goes into the various 
15     //searching methods for each item of clothing
16     private int ID;
17     private String Name;
18     private String Type;
19     private String Color;
20     private String Pattern;
21     private String Material;
22     private String Formality;
23     private String Activity;
25     public SearchCloset(int ID, String Name, String Type, String Color, String Pattern, String Material, String Formality, String Activity)
26     {
27         this.ID = ID;
28         this.Name = Name;
29         this.Type = Type;
30         this.Color = Color;
31         this.Pattern = Pattern;
32         this.Material = Material;
33         this.Formality = Formality;
34         this.Activity = Activity;
35     }
37     public int getID()
38     {
39         return ID;
40     }
41     public String getName()
42     {
43         return Name;
44     }
45     public String getType()
46     {
47         return Type;
48     }
49     public String getColor()
50     {
51         return Color;
52     }
53     public String getPattern()
54     {
55         return Pattern;
56     }
57     public String getMaterial()
58     {
59         return Material;
60     }
61     public String getFormality()
62     {
63         return Formality;
64     }
65     public String getActivity()
66     {
67         return Activity;
68     }
70 } //class