/Users/johnr/Desktop/IA_14_-_Stage_P_Upload_all_2021-04-08/IBCompSciInternalAssessment Lara April 6th/src/ibcompsciinternalassessment/Contribution.java
  1 /*
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  6 package ibcompsciinternalassessment;
  9 /**
 10  *
 11  * @author 21258
 12  */
 13 public class Contribution {
 15     static private int numberOfNonEarmarkedForms = 0;
 16     private String donorName = "N/A";
 17     private String amountEstimated = "N/A";
 18     private DateSelfMade dueDiligence = null;
 19     private String dDComments = "N/A";
 20     private DateSelfMade budgetYear = null;
 21     private String bYComments = "N/A";
 22     private boolean isRetroactivityAccepted = false;
 23     private String retroComments = "N/A";
 24     private String reportingRequirements = "N/A";
 25     private String visibilityRequirements = "N/A";
 26     private String otherComments = "N/A";
 27     private boolean empty = true;
 30     public Contribution(){
 31         empty = true;
 32     }
 34     public Contribution(String donorName, String amountEstimated, DateSelfMade dueDiligence, String dDComments, DateSelfMade budgetYear, String bYComments,
 35             boolean isRetroactivityAccepted, String retroComments, String reportingRequirements, String visibilityRequirements, String otherComments){
 37         this.donorName = donorName;
 38         this.amountEstimated = amountEstimated;
 39         this.dueDiligence = dueDiligence;
 40         this.dDComments = dDComments;
 41         this.budgetYear = budgetYear;
 42         this.bYComments = bYComments;
 43         this.isRetroactivityAccepted = isRetroactivityAccepted;
 44         this.retroComments = retroComments;
 45         this.reportingRequirements = reportingRequirements;
 46         this.visibilityRequirements = visibilityRequirements;
 47         this.otherComments = otherComments;
 48         empty = false;
 50     }
 52     //Overridden
 53     public Country getGeoInterest(){
 54         return null;
 55     }    
 56     public String getThematicInterest() {
 57         return "Error";
 58     }
 59     public String getGeoInterestName() {
 60         return "Error";
 61     }
 62     public String getGeoComments(){
 63         return "Error";
 64     }
 65     public void setGeoInterestName(String geoInterestName) {
 66         System.out.print("Geo Interest Name Error");
 67     }
 68     public void setThematicInterest(String thematicInterest){
 69         System.out.print("Thematic Error");
 70     }
 71     public void setGeoComments(String geoComments){
 72         System.out.print("geoComment Error");
 73     }
 74     public void setGeoInterest(Country geoInterest){
 75         System.out.print("geoInterest Error");
 76     }
 78     public static int getNumberOfNonEarmarkedForms() {
 79         return numberOfNonEarmarkedForms;
 80     }
 81     public String getDonorName() {
 82         return donorName;
 83     }
 84     public String getAmountEstimated() {
 85         return amountEstimated;
 86     }
 87     public String getDueDiligence() {
 88         return dueDiligence.getDueDate();
 89     }
 90     public DateSelfMade getDDClass() {
 91         return dueDiligence;
 92     }
 93     public String getdDComments() {
 94         return dDComments;
 95     }
 96     public String getBudgetYear() {
 97         return budgetYear.getBudgetYear();
 98     }
 99     public boolean isIsRetroactivityAccepted() {
100         return isRetroactivityAccepted;
101     }
102     public String getReportingRequirements() {
103         return reportingRequirements;
104     }
105     public String getVisibilityRequirements() {
106         return visibilityRequirements;
107     }
108     public String getbYComments() {
109         return bYComments;
110     }
111     public String getRetroComments() {
112         return retroComments;
113     }
114     public String getOtherComments() {
115         return otherComments;
116     }
119     public static void setNumberOfNonEarmarkedForms(int numberOfNonEarmarkedForms) {
120         Contribution.numberOfNonEarmarkedForms = numberOfNonEarmarkedForms;
121     }
122     public void setdDComments(String dDComments) {
123         this.dDComments = dDComments;
124     }
125     public void setbYComments(String bYComments) {
126         this.bYComments = bYComments;
127     }
128     public void setRetroComments(String retroComments) {
129         this.retroComments = retroComments;
130     } 
131     public void setDonorName(String donorName) {
132         this.donorName = donorName;
133     }
134     public void setAmountEstimated(String amountEstimated) {
135         this.amountEstimated = amountEstimated;
136     }
137     public void setDueDiligence(DateSelfMade dueDiligence) {
138         this.dueDiligence = dueDiligence;
139     }
140     public void setBudgetYear(DateSelfMade budgetYear) {
141         this.budgetYear = budgetYear;
142     }  
143     public void setIsRetroactivityAccepted(boolean isRetroactivityAccepted) {
144         this.isRetroactivityAccepted = isRetroactivityAccepted;
145     }
146     public void setReportingRequirements(String reportingRequirements) {
147         this.reportingRequirements = reportingRequirements;
148     }
149     public void setVisibilityRequirements(String visibilityRequirements) {
150         this.visibilityRequirements = visibilityRequirements;
151     }
152     public void setOtherComments(String otherComments) {
153         this.otherComments = otherComments;
154     }
156     public boolean isEmpty() {
157         return empty;
158     }
163     public void deleteContribution(){
164         donorName = "N/A";
165         amountEstimated = "N/A";
166         dueDiligence = null;
167         dDComments = "N/A";
168         budgetYear = null;
169         bYComments = "N/A";
170         isRetroactivityAccepted = false;
171         retroComments = "N/A";
172         reportingRequirements = "N/A";
173         visibilityRequirements = "N/A";
174         otherComments = "N/A";
175     }
178 }