/Users/johnr/Desktop/IA_14_-_Stage_P_Upload_all_2021-04-08/CS IA Shoe Reselling Aryan April 6th /src/WomensShoe.java
 3 /*
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 7  */
 9 /**
10  *
11  * @author 19808
12  */
13 public class WomensShoe extends Shoes{
14     private double womensSize = -99999999.999999999;
15 //    private boolean hasHeels = true;
17     //Overloaded constructor method
18     public WomensShoe(){
20     }
22     //Extends shoes class to create another specifically Womens shoe
23     public WomensShoe(String name, double size, double buyingPrice, double sellingPrice, int shoeDateBoughtDay, int shoeDateBoughtMonth, int shoeDateBoughtYear, String datebought, int shoeDateSoldDay, 
24             int shoeDateSoldMonth, int shoeDateSoldYear, String collaboration, String brand, double profitability, String gender, double womensSize) { 
25          super(name, size, buyingPrice, sellingPrice, shoeDateBoughtDay, shoeDateBoughtMonth, shoeDateBoughtYear, datebought, shoeDateSoldDay, 
26             shoeDateSoldMonth, shoeDateSoldYear, collaboration, brand, profitability, gender);
27 //        this.hasHeels = hasHeels; 
28         this.womensSize = womensSize; 
29     }
31     //Get Methods: All of the following have a no precondition other than a need to be called, and for the attributes to possess the necessary data
32     //Otherwise the post condition would be that the program retrieves the necessary attribute that is desired.
33 //    public boolean getHasHeels() {
34 //        return hasHeels;
35 //    }
36 //    
37     public double getWomensSize() {
38         return womensSize;
39     }
41     //Set Methods: 
42     //Pre-condition: All the methods have a precondition of having the specifc attribute inputted by the user. 
43     //Post-condition: The program would put and associate it with the variable name for the attribute.
44 //    public void setHasHeels(boolean hasHeels){
45 //        this.hasHeels = hasHeels;
46 //    }
48     public void setWomensSize(double womensSize){
49         this.womensSize = womensSize;
50     }
51 }