/Users/adamklas/Desktop/IB/Net Beans/Dossier for Ms. Boughey/src/dossier/pkgfor/ms/boughey/Student.java
  1 /*
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  7 package dossier.pkgfor.ms.boughey;
  9 import java.sql.Time;
 10 import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
 12 /**
 13  *
 14  * @author adamklas
 15  */
 16 public class Student {
 17     //below I create the attributes
 18     private String studentName = "not set yet";
 19     private String studentYear = "not set yet";
 20     private String dateInput = "not set yet";
 21     private String studentBlock = "not set yet";
 22     private String studentGrade = "not set yet";
 23     private String studentGender = "not set yet";
 24     private double shotPut1 = -9;
 25     private double shotPut2 = -9;
 26     private double shotPut3 = -9;
 27     private double javelin1 = -9;
 28     private double javelin2 = -9;
 29     private double javelin3 = -9;
 30     private double longJump1 = -9;
 31     private double longJump2 = -9;
 32     private double longJump3 = -9;
 33     private double discuss1 = -9;
 34     private double discuss2 = -9;
 35     private double discuss3 = -9;
 36     private GregorianCalendar sixtyMeter1 = new GregorianCalendar(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
 37     private GregorianCalendar sixtyMeter2 = new GregorianCalendar(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
 38     private GregorianCalendar twoHundredMeter1 = new GregorianCalendar(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
 39     private GregorianCalendar twoHundredMeter2 = new GregorianCalendar(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
 40     private GregorianCalendar oneK500Meter1 = new GregorianCalendar(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
 41     private GregorianCalendar oneK500Meter2 = new GregorianCalendar(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
 46     //Constructor
 47     public Student(String studentName, String studentYear, String dateInput, String studentBlock, String studentGrade, String studentGender, double shotPut1, double shotPut2, double shotPut3, double javelin1, double javelin2, double javelin3, double longJump1, double longJump2, double longJump3, double discuss1, double discuss2, double discuss3, GregorianCalendar sixtyMeter1, GregorianCalendar sixtyMeter2, GregorianCalendar twoHundredMeter1, GregorianCalendar twoHundredMeter2, GregorianCalendar oneK500Meter1, GregorianCalendar oneK500Meter2){
 48         this.studentName = studentName;
 49         this.studentYear = studentYear;
 50         this.dateInput = dateInput;
 51         this.studentBlock = studentBlock;
 52         this.studentGrade = studentGrade;
 53         this.studentGender = studentGender;
 54         this.shotPut1 = shotPut1;
 55         this.shotPut2 = shotPut2;
 56         this.shotPut3 = shotPut3;
 57         this.javelin1 = javelin1;
 58         this.javelin2 = javelin2;
 59         this.javelin3 = javelin3;
 60         this.longJump1 = longJump1;
 61         this.longJump2 = longJump2;
 62         this.longJump3 = longJump3;
 63         this.discuss1 = discuss1;
 64         this.discuss2 = discuss2;
 65         this.discuss3 = discuss3;
 66         this.sixtyMeter1 = sixtyMeter1;
 67         this.sixtyMeter2 = sixtyMeter2;
 68         this.twoHundredMeter1 = twoHundredMeter1;
 69         this.twoHundredMeter2 = twoHundredMeter2;
 70         this.oneK500Meter1 = oneK500Meter1;
 71         this.oneK500Meter2 = oneK500Meter2;
 72     }
 74     //below are the "gets", which are used to return specific attributes to different classes
 75     public String getStudentName(){
 76         return studentName;
 77     }
 78     public String getStudentYear(){
 79         return studentYear;
 80     }
 81     public String getDateInput(){
 82         return dateInput;
 83     }
 84     public String getStudentBlock(){
 85         return studentBlock;
 86     }
 87     public String getStudentGrade(){
 88         return studentGrade;
 89     }
 90     public String getStudentGender(){
 91         return studentGender;
 92     }
 93     public double getShotPut1(){
 94         return shotPut1;
 95     }
 96     public double getShotPut2(){
 97         return shotPut2;
 98     }
 99     public double getShotPut3(){
100         return shotPut3;
101     }
102     public double getJavelin1(){
103         return javelin1;
104     }
105     public double getJavelin2(){
106         return javelin2;
107     }
108     public double getJavelin3(){
109         return javelin3;
110     }
111     public double getLongJump1(){
112         return longJump1;
113     }
114     public double getLongJump2(){
115         return longJump2;
116     }
117     public double getLongJump3(){
118         return longJump3;
119     }
120     public double getDiscuss1(){
121         return discuss1;
122     }
123     public double getDiscuss2(){
124         return discuss2;
125     }
126     public double getDiscuss3(){
127         return discuss3;
128     }
129     public GregorianCalendar getSixtyMeter1(){
130         return sixtyMeter1;
131     }
132     public GregorianCalendar getSixtyMeter2(){
133         return sixtyMeter2;
134     }
135     public GregorianCalendar getTwoHundredMeter1(){
136         return twoHundredMeter1;
137     }
138     public GregorianCalendar getTwoHundredMeter2(){
139         return twoHundredMeter2;
140     }
141     public GregorianCalendar getOneK500Meter1(){
142         return oneK500Meter1;
143     }
144     public GregorianCalendar getOneK500Meter2(){
145         return oneK500Meter2;
146     }
149     //below are the "sets", which are used to change different attributes from different classes
151     public void setStudentName(String studentName){
152         this.studentName = studentName;
153     }
154     public void setStudentYear(String studentYear){
155         this.studentYear = studentYear;
156     }
157     public void setDateInput(String dateInput){
158         this.dateInput = dateInput;
159     }
160     public void setStudentBlock(String studentBlock){
161         this.studentBlock = studentBlock;
162     }
163     public void setStudentGrade(String studentGrade){
164         this.studentGrade = studentGrade;
165     }
166     public void setStudentGender(String studentGender){
167         this.studentGender = studentGender;
168     }
169     public void setShotPut1(double shotPut1){
170         this.shotPut1 = shotPut1;
171     }
172     public void setShotPut2(double shotPut2){
173         this.shotPut2 = shotPut2;
174     }
175     public void setShotPut3(double shotPut3){
176         this.shotPut3 = shotPut3;
177     }
178     public void setJavelin1(double javelin1){
179         this.javelin1 = javelin1;
180     }
181     public void setJavelin2(double javelin2){
182         this.javelin2 = javelin2;
183     }
184     public void setJavelin3(double javelin3){
185         this.javelin3 = javelin3;
186     }
187     public void setLongJump1(double longJump1){
188         this.longJump1 = longJump1;
189     }
190     public void setLongJump2(double longJump2){
191         this.longJump2 = longJump2;
192     }
193     public void setLongJump3(double longJump3){
194         this.longJump3 = longJump3;
195     }
196     public void setDiscuss1(double discuss1){
197         this.discuss1 = discuss1;
198     }
199     public void setDiscuss2(double discuss2){
200         this.discuss2 = discuss2;
201     }
202     public void setDiscuss3(double discuss3){
203         this.discuss3 = discuss3;
204     }
205     public void setSixtyMeter1(GregorianCalendar sixtyMeter1){
206         this.sixtyMeter1 = sixtyMeter1;
207     }
208     public void setSixtyMeter2(GregorianCalendar sixtyMeter2){
209         this.sixtyMeter2 = sixtyMeter2;
210     }
211     public void setTwoHundredMeter1(GregorianCalendar twoHundredMeter1){
212         this.twoHundredMeter1 = twoHundredMeter1;
213     }
214     public void setTwoHundredMeter2(GregorianCalendar twoHundredMeter2){
215         this.twoHundredMeter2 = twoHundredMeter2;
216     }
217     public void setOneK500Meter1 (GregorianCalendar oneK500Meter1){
218         this.oneK500Meter1 = oneK500Meter1;
219     }
220     public void setOneK500Meter2 (GregorianCalendar oneK500Meter2){
221         this.oneK500Meter2 = oneK500Meter2;
222     }
223 }