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Sketch linked lists (single, double and circular).


Teaching Note:

Students should be able to sketch diagrams illustrating: adding a data item to linked list, deleting specified data item, modifying the data held in the linked list, searching for a given data item.


Sample Question:


JSR Notes:

***Note that there are a couple of minor errors with the videos, namely tail referred to as head in a couple of places. But the diagrams are corrected.

Sketching Basic Operations on Lists

(backup of video) (And there are a couple of little errors, can you spot them?)

Adding to a linked list

And if you have seen and have a basic understanding of the code, the key line would be:

Note above that with adding to a linked list, you can add to either end. Since this is the first time you are being shown this, I have picked adding to the end, which is arguably the easier of the two ways to understand, but not the most efficient.

deleting from a linked list

And if you have seen and have a basic understanding of the code, the key line would be:
previous.setNext(current.getNext( ));

modifying from a linked list

And if you have seen and have a basic understanding of the code, the key line would be:
if(current.getData( ).getName( ).equals("bob")
        current.getData( ).setName("charles");

searching a linked list

And if you have seen and have a basic understanding of the code, a key line would be:
if(current.getData( ).getName( ).equals("bob")
        System.out.println(current.getData( ).getGrade( ));



Sketching Various Kinds of Lists

(backup of video)

single linked list

double linked list

circular linked list