10 11 12 //morePositveOrNegative(); TO DO 13 14 //moreEvenOrOdd(); TO DO 15 16 //largestOddAndEvenNumbers(); TO DO 17 18 calculatePay(); 19 } 20 21 public static void calculatePay(){ 22 //asssumes an hourly wage of $20 per hour 23 //and salary is 1.5 x for overtime 24 //and employees are guaranteed the equivalent of 10 hours pay, so a minimum 25 //of $200 per week, i.e. their salary if under 10 hours work is $200 26 final double HOURLYWAGE = 20; 27 double [] hoursWorked = new double[50]; 28 double totalPayThisWeek = 0; 29 for(int i = 0; i < hoursWorked.length; i++){ 30 if(hoursWorked[i] > 40){ 31 double overtimeHours = hoursWorked[i] - 40; 32 double pay = HOURLYWAGE * 40 + overtimeHours * 1.5 * HOURLYWAGE; 33 totalPayThisWeek += pay; 34 }else if(hoursWorked[i] < 10){ 35 totalPayThisWeek += 200; 36 }else{ 37 double pay = HOURLYWAGE * hoursWorked[i]; 38 totalPayThisWeek += pay; 39 } 40 } 41 }
35 36 37 public static void main(String[] args) { 38 39 //Make an array of 365 daily temperatures ranging from 16 to 40 degrees Celsius. 40 //From it, make two lists, one of temperatures less than 20, and one temperatures 41 //more than 37. Send the lists to a method which prints out the chilli & hot temps. 42 43 OurList<Integer> chillyTemps = new OurList<Integer>(); 44 OurList<Integer> hotHotHotTemps = new OurList<Integer>(); 45 int [] allTemps = new int[365]; 46 for(int i = 0; i < 365; i++){ 47 allTemps[i] = (int)(Math.random() * 24 + 16); 48 if(allTemps[i] < 20){ 49 chillyTemps.addItem(allTemps[i]); 50 }else if(allTemps[i] > 37){ 51 hotHotHotTemps.addItem(allTemps[i]); 52 } 53 } 54 printOutChilliAndHotTemps(chillyTemps, hotHotHotTemps); 55 56 } 57 public static void printOutChilliAndHotTemps(OurList<Integer> chilli, OurList<Integer> hot){ 58 System.out.println("Chilliest temps:"); 59 chilli.resetNext(); //even though not necessary 60 if(!chilli.ourIsEmpty()){ 61 while(chilli.hasNext()){ 62 System.out.print(chilli.getNext() + " "); 63 } 64 } 65 System.out.println(); 66 System.out.println("Hotttt temps:"); 67 hot.resetNext(); 68 if(!hot.ourIsEmpty()){ 69 while(hot.hasNext()){ 70 System.out.print(hot.getNext() + " "); 71 } 72 } 73 }