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Evaluate whether the order in which activities are undertaken will result in the required outcome.


Teaching Note:

Links to problems presented to the student in other areas of the syllabus.

LINK Thinking ahead, thinking concurrently. Connecting computational thinking and program design, introduction to programming.

MYP Technology, step-by-step instructions.


Sample Question:


JSR Notes:

As in an "evaluate" assessment statement, upon looking at a certain order of activities, you would state, yes, that's a good way, indeed the optimal way to proceed. Or your evaluation would be that no, that's not a very good way to proceed, and then you could go on to explain why, and offer a more optimal order.


Non-Programming Examples

Same as 4.1.1:

Evaluate whether or not the order in which the activities in the following situation will result in the desired outcome.

Baking a cake: Most of the things need to be in a certain order, but certain things like whether eggs or sugar go in first makes no difference.

Driving by car to the store: Most things need to be in a certain order; for example, you need to unlock the car before getting in the car, and you need to start the car before beginning to drive it.

Getting ready for ice hockey: Some things are very important to do before others, such as going to the bathroom, and filling up your water, since you can't do either all dressed in your hockey equipment and with skates on. And most other things also need to be in a certain order, but, for example whether you put on your shoulder pads first or hockey pants first doesn't make much difference.

Do your shopping at 7-11: Going to the checkout has to be done last, but the order in which you put things in your shopping cart really doesn't matter in terms of getting the desired outcome - the only issue is the time it would take you to do so.


Programming Example

Same as 4.1.1:

Identify the procedure appropriate for solving the following problem:

Input grades for all school subjects, and calculate the average of the HL subjects, and the average of the SL subjects. Output those averages and which of the two is greater.

- The one thing which is most important in terms of order is that we ask the user how many HL and SL courses there are before we try to loop through them to total up the grades. If we do not ask them first, we will not know how many times to loop for both HL and SL, and the program will fail.

- Other obvious order requirements is that we input the grades before trying to determine whether HL or SL are a greater average. etc.

- But for other things order is not important, for example, whether we total up HL first, or SL first; it makes no difference.