
May 2016 Hotels

1    package may2016_hotels; 
3    public class Client 
4    { private int customerID; 
5        private String name; 
6        private Dates arrive; 
7        private Dates leave; 
8        private Room bedroom; 
9        public Client(int id, String c, Dates dateIn, Dates dateOut, Room r) 
10       { setCustomerID(id); 
11           setName(c); 
12           setArrive(dateIn); 
13           setLeave(dateOut); 
14           setBedroom(r); 
15       } 
16       public void setCustomerID(int id) {customerID = id;} 
17       public void setName(String c) {name = c;} 
18       public void setArrive(Dates dateIn) {arrive = dateIn;} 
19       public void setLeave(Dates dateOut) {leave = dateOut;} 
20       public void setBedroom(Room r) {bedroom = r;} 
21       public int getCustomerID() {return customerID;} 
22       public String getName() {return name;} 
23       public Dates getArrive() {return arrive;} 
24       public Dates getLeave() {return leave;} 
25       public Room getBedroom() {return bedroom;} 
26       public void bill() 
27       { // ...method that calculates the bill for this client 
28       } 
29   } 
1    package may2016_hotels; 
3    public class Dates 
4    { private int day; 
5        private int month; 
6        private int year; 
7        public Dates(int day, int month, int year) 
8        { this.day = day; 
9            this.month = month; 
10           this.year = year; 
11       } 
12       public int getDay() {return day;} 
13       public int getMonth() {return month;} 
14       public int getYear() {return year;} 
15       public static int StayDays(Dates x, Dates y) 
16       { // method that calculates the number of nights between x and y 
17           return -999; //just so the return red squiggly goes away 
18       } 
19   } 
1    package may2016_hotels; 
3    public class Group 
4    { 
5        private String name; // name of group 
6        private int number; // number of rooms allocated to the group 
7        public Group(String name, int number) 
8        { 
9            this.name = name; 
10           this.number = number; 
11       } 
12       public String getName() {return name;} 
13       public int getNumber() {return number;} 
14       int[] gRooms = new int[number]; 
15       // array to hold room numbers allocated to the group 
16       public double bill(int[] gRooms) 
17       { // ...method that calculates the bill for the group 
18           return -999.9;//just to get rid of the red squigglies of the return 
19       } 
20   } 
1    package may2016_hotels; 
3    public class Room { 
4        private int roomNumber; 
5        private int beds; 
6        private double price; 
7        private boolean empty; 
9        public Room(){ 
11       } 
12   }