Methods Vis-a-vis Parameters & Return Values Example
11 public class RobotCompetitionMain {
12 static int score = 0;
14 public static void main(String[] args) {
16 Scanner snr = new Scanner(;
18 printOutIntroduction();
19 System.out.println("How many balls were picked up?");
20 int numBalls = snr.nextInt( );
21 System.out.println("Did you get the bowling ball up, in place, on the ramp? true/false");
22 boolean ballInPlace = snr.nextBoolean( );
23 System.out.println("Your basic score is " + calculateBasicPoints(numBalls, ballInPlace));
25 System.out.println("");
26 System.out.println("Penalty Calculations:");
27 System.out.println("Were there any penalties? true/false");
28 boolean stealing = false;
29 boolean roughing = false;
30 int stolenNumber = 0;
31 if(snr.nextBoolean( )){
32 System.out.println("Did you get penalties for ball stealing? true/false");
33 stealing = snr.nextBoolean( );
34 if(stealing){
35 System.out.println("How many balls were stolen?");
36 stolenNumber = snr.nextInt( );
37 }
38 System.out.println("Did you get a penalty for roughing");
39 if(snr.nextBoolean( )){
40 roughing = true;
41 }
42 }
43 penaltyCalculation(stealing, stolenNumber, roughing);
44 System.out.println("");
45 System.out.println("Random Bonus Calculation:");
46 System.out.println("And now you will get the random value " + randomBonusAmount() + " added to your total");
47 score += randomBonusAmount();
48 System.out.println("Your final score is: " + score);
55 }
56 //Method Example Type-A: Returns nothing, and takes no parameters.
57 public static void printOutIntroduction(){
58 System.out.println(" Welcome!");
59 System.out.println("");
60 System.out.println("###########################*************#############################");
61 System.out.println("#####This will calulate your points for this FTC challenge match#####");
62 System.out.println("###########################*************#############################");
63 System.out.println("");
64 }
67 //Method Example Type-B: Returns nothing, and takes in parameters.
69 public static void penaltyCalculation(boolean stealing, int stolenNumber, boolean roughing){
70 int penaltyPointsDeducted = 0;
71 if(stealing && !roughing){
72 penaltyPointsDeducted += stolenNumber;
73 }else if(roughing && !stealing){
74 penaltyPointsDeducted += 5;
75 }else if(roughing && stealing){
76 penaltyPointsDeducted = 2*stolenNumber + 5;
77 }else{ //i.e. not roughing or stealing
78 //no affect on the score.
79 System.out.println("Congratulations for your clean play. You get 5 bonus points");
80 penaltyPointsDeducted -= 5;
81 }
82 System.out.println("The points deducted for penalties will be: " + penaltyPointsDeducted + ".");
83 score -= penaltyPointsDeducted;
84 }
87 //Method Example Type-C: Returns something, and takes in no parameters.
89 private static int randomBonusAmount(){
90 return (int) (Math.random() * 5);
91 }
94 //Method Example Type-D: Returns something, and takes in parameters.
95 private static int calculateBasicPoints(int numBalls, boolean ballInPlace){
96 int pointsToAddToScore = 0;
97 if(numBalls <= 10){ //So if 10 or under, a point per ball.
98 pointsToAddToScore = numBalls;
99 }else{
100 pointsToAddToScore = 10 + (2 * (numBalls -10)); //Balls over the 10th count for two points each.
101 }
103 if(ballInPlace){
104 pointsToAddToScore += 25;
105 }
107 return pointsToAddToScore;
108 }
110 }