

This will get you to peruse the documentation that comes with the syllabus for the one internal assessment (IA) of this course, the "dossier".

Most of the first bunch of pages aren't all that important to you - they are aimed more at the teachers - never-the-less, there are some important points that these questions will draw your attention to.

And for the last half of the document, though some of the discussion will be a bit out of context since you are new to this whole process, we have to start somewhere, and actually where we begin - with this IA part of the syllabus - is indeed where we will end, as the criteria descriptors are The criteria descriptors.

As I mentioned in class, the IA document is the be-all-and-end all in terms of what you need to do for this big chunk of this course, and so you do need to make sure you intimately know what is written within.

If it were me, I'd definitely use the paper handout I gave you in class to reference the document, but here is a link to an html version of it.

Grade: 29/29

Q1. From the "Purpose of internal assessment" section, what is the difference between what is expected for SL students and HL students? [2 marks]

Model answer:
Expectations are same, but weighting for internal assessment is different. (SL 30%, HL 20%)

Q2. Having read the "Guidance and authenticity" section, comment on the following statement: "Students may pass in rough drafts to be marked so that the teacher can tell them what areas need improvement. This can be done over and over again as long as the student wishes, in order to boost the grade that they ultimately get." [2 marks]

Model answer:
That statement is not true, only one draft can be handed in for the teacher to give advice on. The second draft must be the final one.

Q3. In terms of the "Ethical guidelines for internal assessment", what is the point to consider when you collect data from your client? [2 marks]

Model answer:
All information must be kept confidential.

Q4. What will happen if you go over the word limit? [1 mark]

Q5.   In your own words, what is the difference in the IA between the Key terms "solution" and "product"? [1 mark]

Q6. From the "Components of the solution" section, what does it say about the word count and text that is part of the product (i.e. the program)? [1 mark]
Model answer:
The text in the product isn-t included in the total word count.

I myself am still getting my head around how the various narrative parts and charts and so on fit together, but take a quick look through the "Components of the solution" section, including the table at the bottom of page 81 and the top of page 82, and figure out which of the following (randomly selected sections) count as part of the word count:
- the recorded interviews with your client
- the "Success criteria for product"
- Rationale for the proposed product
- Captions for diagrams
- Evaluating the product
[2 marks]
Model answer:
Recorded interviews would not count as part of the word count unless you wrote it down in your dossier. The rationale and captions would count and so would evaluating the product.

(For the rest of these I will "cherry pick" some specifics from both the Criterion descriptions and the associated rubric sections, to get you to - just for now - get the general idea of the flow of work, and just to get you used to going back and forth between the two parts of the IA document.
Criterion A: Planning
How will you come up with a justification for why you are solving the problem that you are? [2 marks]
Model answer:
By consulting the client, and referencing consultations with that client.

Q9. (And now from the rubric:) What are the differences between the 3-4 description and the 5-6 description of Criterion A: Planning? [2 marks]
Model answer:
For 3-4 marks, an appropriate scenario is merely stated. The rationale is partially explained and includes some criteria. For 5-6 marks, an appropriate scenario is described. The rationale is justified and includes a range of criteria.

Criterion B: Solution Overview (the description, back on page 83)
Since you will be programming with Java, what kinds of "specific elements used within the product" will you choose and describe? [1 mark]
Model answer:
The main element I will describe will be classes.

Q11. With regard to the Solution Overview, if, for the grader (me) and the IB moderator, it is difficult to see how the product was developed, what marks would you get? [1 mark]

Model answer:
1-2 marks according the Criterion B: Solution Overview rubric.

Q12. From the Criterion C: Development description, what will you surely make note of from what is required as described in the fourth bullet point? [1 mark]
Model answer:
I will make note of the GUI in netbeans, as it is an existing tool.

Q13. Put into your own words, in a bulleted list, what you need to do to get a 9-12 on Criterion C: Development. [3 marks]

Model answer:
- High level of techniques connected with what the person planned - Techniques used for the task are explained - Explained use of existing tools - Source citations

Q14.  From the description of Criterion D: Functionality and Extensibility of Product, given that you will be making a multi-class Java program, what will be the main ways you will allow for "extensibility" of your product (as described at the top of page 84)? [2 marks]
Model answer:
The main ways I will be allowing for extensibility will be naming variables and classes in an intuitive way, as well as using comments in the code.

Q15. If your video shows that your product functions well, and some expansion and modification of the product is possible but difficult, what mark do you think you would get for Criterion D. Defend your answer. [2 marks]

Model answer:
I would likely get a 2, perhaps a 3. The description of 3-4 states that the video should show that the product works well, and that that there should be straightforward modifications. This scenario fulfills the first requirement, but not the second.

Q16.   In the description of Criterion E: Evaluation (page 84), just summarize in your own words, briefly, what you are asked to do. [2 marks]
Model answer:
You should evaluate your product at the end with the feedback you get, and write recommendations for the future development.

Q17. What are the difference between the 3-4 descriptor and the 5-6 descriptor for Criterion E: Evaluation? [2 marks]

Model answer:
Whether the product is partially evaluated or fully. Whether the recommendations for future improvement is mostly realistic or realistic (fully).