
Criterion C - Development

IB Documentation

Criterion C: Development

The product must be compatible with the information in criterion A and criterion B. The student must present a list of the techniques used in developing the product.

The techniques may include algorithmic thinking, data structures, software tools and user interface. This list need not be exhaustive but should illustrate how the major components of the product were developed.

The student must provide evidence of algorithmic thinking.

The information in the development documentation must provide a detailed account, using extended writing and other appropriate information, to explain the following.

Any reference material such as templates, program code, applets or other materials that have been used or modified must be acknowledged in this criterion. The code used in the product can be included in the appendix.


Criterion C: Development (12 marks)

  • The student must identify techniques used in developing the product.

  • The student must explain the techniques, with screenshots, that were used to develop the product identified in criterion A, explaining why they have been used and why they are adequate for the task.




The response does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.


The use of techniques demonstrates a low level of complexity and ingenuity or does not address the scenario identified in criterion A. It is characterized by limited use of existing tools. There is no explanation of why the techniques are used or how they are adequate for the task. Sources are used but are not identified.


The use of techniques demonstrates a moderate level of complexity
and ingenuity in addressing the scenario identified in criterion A. It is characterized by some appropriate use of existing tools. There is some attempt to explain the techniques used and why they are adequate for the task. All sources are identified.


The use of techniques demonstrates a high level of complexity and ingenuity in addressing the scenario identified in criterion A. It is characterized by the appropriate use of existing tools. The techniques are adequate for the task and their use is explained. All sources are identified.



Developing the product


Extended writing: Justification of techniques used, including annotated screenshots and sources where appropriate.