
Social Networking

JSR Notes:

Just like mobile communication, social networking leads to security vulnerabilities because it is new. And also, its current ever-changing nature leads to vulnerabilities that are there before they can either be found or fixed.

The social aspect of it leads people to not treat Facebook communication, for example, seriously, and to consider the possible implications of posting certain informatin.

Furthermore, social networking is build for, and its primary purpose is to share information - so surely some information will end up being shared that should not be shared at all, or not as widely as it ends up being shared. So if a hacker goes trolling around the social networking of a target firm or organization long enough, they should be able to identify useful information to them, whether it be who the lazy security guard is, to what kinds of projects the firm is working on.

And now that so many websites are connected - for example, logging into one, like Linked-in, with another user account and password - like G-mail - and so stuff gets published where you didn't expect it to be.

Linked, or some other newer, less secure site, has you gmail password, so if they get hacked, you are exposed to all of your G-mail data too.


Jana Notes:

The effect of social networking on network security
Social networking is mostly a web-based service, which allows for communication between people sharing the same interests, activities, background and share thoughts, photos, music, links and others. Social networking often requires you to make your own public profile. Some popular examples of social networking include Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Although social networking does have multiple advantages to it, such as increase in communication with friends and family, there are many disadvantages, such as the decrease in face-to-face communication, health problems, but also problems concerning privacy.

Network security is the action to protect your network from threats coming, such as viruses, worms, Trojan horses, spyware, adware, but also data encryption, theft and identity theft.

The effect of social networking on network security is not so much about the problem of viruses and worms, but more about the later description, such as data theft and identity theft. Many people have their social networking sites interconnected, and therefore when they post something on one site, it also posts on the other, making it much harder to track and delete later on. A great problem in social networking is the small protection people use. People share sensitive information and have weak passwords, which then further allows hackers to gain access to personal information, be it of a firm or of individual people. Since network security means to protect things such as the safety of your data, the social networking has been affecting network security, as people share more of their private information online and allow for the world to see and other people (hackers or abusers) to put their “hands” on the data and take advantage of it.

Most common response to how to increase network security over social networking is to educate the users about the consequences and encourage them to use safe data handling.



Notes from research: (definitions often didn’t allow for much paraphrasing, as they often included a list of things that are parts of the system/security)

Social networking:
Social networking service: mostly web-based services, an online service, platform or site, allow for interaction over the Internet.
A tool to bring people with common interests, activities, backgrounds, or real-life connections together
Mostly, individuals have their own public profile.
Social networking includes the primary things such as email and instant messaging.
Through social networking you can talk with friends or strangers and share thoughts, photos, music, links, etc.

Pro social networking: increase in communication with friends and family and give more access for educational purposes

Against social networking: decrease in face-to-face communication, waste of time, children more likely to have ADHD, more likely to meet pedophiles and burglars, and spread of false and dangerous information.

Examples of social networking sites: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google Plus+, Tumblr, Instagram, VK, Flickr, MySpace, Tagged, Ask.fm, Meetup, MeetMe, ClassMates


Network security:
Definition: activity designed to protect your network (specifically: protect the usability, reliability, integrity, and safety of your network and data).
Network security targets a variety of threats, stopping them from entering/spreading on your network.

Threats from which network security protects from: mostly threats over the Internet: viruses, worms and Trojan horses, spyware and adware, zero-day attacks, Hacker attacks, Denial of Service attacks, Data encryption and theft, Identity theft


Effects of corporate social media on network security – Notes
Everything is connected: different devices to one another. Hard to delete stuff posted, sensitive information, information going between personal use networks to business social network. Need to be cautious of what we share. Data needs protecting, not the Web access (blocking sites/implementing URL filtering).

Protection: needs a solid and repetitive user education
Learn: where is data stored, how it is handled and who has access
Raise awareness of safe data handling practices 

Social Media and the Impact on Network Security - Notes

Hackers gaining access through weak passwords lose control of sensitive information.
